Many thanks to everyone that contributes to this website
Many thanks to everyone
We would like to thank all of those - who shared information, plugins, add-ons and assets through the internet - for making this website possible.
The photographs used in this site have been downloaded from the site or purchased from of stock photography.
The copying, publication or sale of any photo is expressly prohibited by the holders of intellectual property. The photographs from iStockphoto, used for commercial purposes, do not require any credit/attribution to the author/service.
"You do not need to include a photo credit for commercial use, but if you are using content for editorial purposes, you must include the following credit adjacent to the content or in audio/visual production credits: "'s Member Name.""
All used fonts were download at Google Fonts
About Google Fonts
A web with web fonts is more beautiful, readable, accessible and open.
Google Fonts makes it quick and easy for everyone to use web fonts, including professional designers and developers. We believe that everyone should be able to bring quality typography to their web pages and applications.
Our goal is to create a directory of web fonts for the world to use. Our API service makes it easy to add Google Fonts to a website in seconds. The service runs on Google's servers which are fast, reliable and tested. Google provides this service free of charge.
Open Source Fonts
All of the fonts are Open Source. This means that you are free to share your favorites with friends and colleagues. You can even customize them for your own use, or collaborate with the original designer to improve them. And you can use them in every way you want, privately or commercially — in print, on your computer, or in your websites.